Thursday, February 16, 2017

An Adventure for the future of Ormegrand

Soon I will be starting a campaign that I will chronicle here. I will be running a game in my own home brewed world that is still evolving. The campaign will be ran for a friend and his two sons, as well as my two oldest step sons ... all of whom are relatively new to D&D. I will also be joined by one of the people who I had originally started playing with all those years ago.

I don't wish to give away too much about the story ahead of time, nor wish to bog anyone down with details about house rules or the like, so instead I invite you to read up a bit about the world as it currently is and join in future writings to watch the story unfold.


The world of Ormegrand is like our own Earth in many ways. It rotates around a sun once every 361 days, with a tilt similar to Earth resulting in four seasons in most areas, polar caps and those near the equator of course seeing less change in climate from the change in seasons. 

Nearly every climate can be found somewhere on the planet, from desert to jungle to polar ice caps on thehalf a dozen or so continents, some larger and some smaller, that make up the planet. A handful of island chains are also scattered through the seas. 

Vinyamar is one continent (and is where players will begin) and is made up of many smaller nations. A continent of decent size it varies a good deal in landscape, having mountain ranges, forests, a large swamp area, and even a sandhills type area. There is also a fairly barren, large island, to the NorthEast. The people of the land also vary a fair amount not only in race but also in belief and outlook on life, and the kingdoms vary a good deal as well, but more will be divulged about the story and people as the story plays out.

While a common tongue is found through Vinyamar there are a number of dialects and a handful of other languages as well.

Around the planet rotates a singular moon names Selest. It is slightly larger than the earth’s moon and often shows a blue crystal like glow on and about the heavenly body. Some say that the moon is made of crystals and gases, others claim it holds true magical source about it. The glow itself does provide even a little light unless there is cloud cover, resulting in what appears a ghostly look upon parts or all of the moon depending on position in the sky compared to the sun. A great number of constalations can be found in the sky as well, ranging from dragons to ships to warriors among many others.

The Calendar is made up of 12 month, each consisting of 30 days. There are no weeks and time is kept in days of the month. The months also do not have names (for now ... again I'm working on this world even as we play) and are just referred to by which month it is … so you may hear the 5th day of the 3rd month referred to as just that. The one day that doesn’t fall within a month is the “Resetting Day”. The Resetting Day is the day when the old year ends and the new begins and is a time of celebration. In many ways it is like our New Years and Christmas combined, but compared to our calendar it would occur between March and April. Thus a new year begins with Spring and ends with Winter (or April through March compared to our calendar). There are a handful of other celebrations through the year as well but again, those will come up more through play (and as I develop the world more).


  1. Cool! Looking forward to hearing more.

    And only five years between posts :)

  2. I may have to actually post more frequently now that I've resurrected the page. People won't read if you don't write ya know... ;)

    Maybe I'll try to post at least twice a week, maybe more. A game recap and something else.
