Monday, April 11, 2011

Plenty of Movie Time

I swear that we did more than just sit around and watch movies this past weekend even if it doesn't appear that way.  In fact we spent almost an entire day down the road doing shopping and stuff.  However we did fit in four movies again this weekend (Due Date, Sex and the City 2, Love and Other Drugs, and Case 39), and while I won't go into great detail on any of them, I will comment a bit on them all.

"Due Date" we had heard was a really funny movie.  The basic storyline of the movie was two strangers both trying to get back home were forced together in their travel and end up becoming friends.  Overall I thought the movie was ok but nothing great.  It had some humorous points and some of the humour just wasn't that great.  The two main characters really didn't help the movie for me.  The annoying one played by Zach Galifaiaaaitn ... or however you spell it ... was just over the top annoying for me and kinda turned me against his character almost every step of the way.  Robert Downey Jr's character wasn't bad but wasn't good enough to offset Zach's.  Overall not bad, but not as good as I had been told going into it in my humble opinion.

"Love and Other Drugs" was for my money the best of the weekend.  It as your typical "ass hole guy turns his life around for the sick girl" movie plot, but I actually really enjoyed the characters.  I also found the interaction between the drug rep and the doctors to be humorous and fun.  It was fairly predictable for the most part but told a good story and wasn't dull.  I would recommend it, though be warned there is probably more sex and nudity in it than there needs to be so just be warned if that kind of thing turns you against a movie or you have kids around.

"Case 39" was another just ok movie for me (I'm finding more and more that are "just ok" especially in the horror or suspense genres).  Renee Zellweger plays the overworked social worker who gets given another case.  She finds the parents trying to kill their daughter and then takes her into her own house.  People start dieing because of the demon kid and she realizes that the kid is demonic and has to die and so on and so forth.  As I said, it was an ok movie with a decent plot and decent characters but really just didn't do a lot for me.  Not bad, not great...

The last one, "Sex and the City 2", I watched at the request of the fiance.  Guys, it wasn't horrible so if your girl wants to see it suck it up and earn some brownie points.  It certainly didn't make me care about seeing the series, but it also didn't leave me wanting to claw my eyes out either.  There isn't much point in me pointing out plots or characters, most people know at least a little about it even if you've never watched it.  A couple things of note, they are both (the first and second) about 2 1/2 hours long and the story isn't terribly engaging and drags at times, but they are good for spending time with your significant other doing something she'd prefer...

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