Sunday, September 16, 2012

A letter to the NHL

Dear NHL and Players,

Today the players have been locked out, and by extension so have the fans of the game and those that work the arenas. I like many others find this unacceptable. Just eight years ago I understood … the game had problems and needed to be fixed. We lost an entire year of hockey to “fix” the game and the league got all they wanted. A hard salary cap and a major reduction in all players’ salaries were the highlights of this.  Well here we are less than a decade later with another lockout because what you wanted fixed nothing. The cap has sky-rocketed as have salaries and while the rich get richer the poor are poor.

However the league continues to have record revenues and be “stronger than ever”. Not a season has gone by where we haven’t heard that. The game did come back stronger than ever and fan bases have grown, however by failing to fix things the first time and choosing to lockout players again instead of working on things while games were played you are going to forever damage this game. Yes, hardcore fans such as myself will be back but the damage will be felt and fans will be lost forever. You can’t have two lockouts in a decade and not get that.

You the owners are choosing to lockout the players while they would be willing to play while a deal was worked out. The fans certainly would have attended and watched games and the employees of the arenas and broadcast teams certainly wouldn’t have voted to not work. That is completely on the owners.

I also blame the owners for the current CBA which “doesn’t work”. You locked out the players last time and got what you wanted. However you failed by not addressing things as you should have, revenue sharing and allowing players share to grow as it has leading to where we are today. That too is on you. It appears that is what you want to do again, instead of addressing the issues as a whole you want to make minor changes and “fix” things by again forcing a major rollback in salaries and player’s shares. How about working with the players to find a number in the middle while ALSO having those rich teams help the poor teams more?

The owners are also to blame for contracts getting to where they are. Yes, I understand that you have to field a competitive team and part of that is getting in the players to make your team competitive and the market requires you to put forth your best offer to get those players, however I don’t get how you can say the system is broke when you’re handing out these contracts. You complain about contracts circumventing the cap with low money years on the ends of deals in which players may not play. You complain about the outrageous length of many contracts. You complain about the huge dollars being paid out. Again, YOU THE OWNERS gave out these contracts under a CBA you cost the fans and players a year in getting. $1.5 Billion, yes billion, in contracts given out since July 1st this year knowing that the CBA was “broke” and expiring? Over $200 million just since last Saturday, over $160m on that in the last two days, on contracts knowing you’re a week from the expiration and no deal was apparent? How can you look at the fans or the players and say “the system is broke” and “we can’t give these contracts”. Even after you make a proposal you come out as owners the next day and give contracts that would break even that proposal. So we have a broken system that owners still rush to sign players under. Can’t be that broken, huh?

But I don’t blame just the owners. Players aren’t hurting for money either and can budge some. They’ll still make more than most of us will see in our lifetimes by doing something many of us pay to do. I don’t expect them to move as much as the league thinks they should and the owners should be responsible for the contracts they have handed out in full … but they could budge on their share and contracts moving forward while the league owners HELP EACH OTHER, something they seem reluctant to do. I also blame both sides because it was many, many months ago that we knew the CBA would expire. Did the two sides meet though? NO! Instead we sit around hearing how there is “plenty of time to get a deal done” all the while neither side knowing what the other side would be asking for. Instead of at least having initial talks to determine where the sides sat you didn’t even speak for months. Now we see the sides are miles apart much too late and the fans and employees are going to lose out once again. Instead of starting talks early and gauging where sides stood and having a shot at getting things worked out in time for a season instead you wait, realize that you’re far apart, and lose at least part of the season. This to me is the worst part. It shows neither side cared enough about the coming season to start talks early enough to try to bridge gaps. Unacceptable!

Now us fans don’t have a lot of pull in this even though we are where the money comes from. We don’t have a voice in the talks and no amount of emails, letters, and petitions will influence the owners or players in this. We fans and employees are the true losers but the ones without a voice. I will speak up though. I am very passionate about hockey so I’ll be the first to admit I’ll return to watching and cheering my team when the sport returns, however even with a hardcore fan like me you are going to lose out. First I am going to un-follow the NHL on Twitter and un-like on Facebook. That is just the beginning though. If we lose any time this season I will not attend a single game the rest of the season or next season if the lockout lasts this entire year. Instead I will attend other leagues and support them. I also will not be subscribing to Center Ice or the sort. I’ll watch on my regular cable, but I’m not paying the NHL to watch games. I also will not be visiting the team stores, NHL Shop, or any of the like. I will not be spending a dime on NHL merchandise. That will extend to all sponsors of the NHL as well. Anywhere I can I will choose another vendor to get what I need.

We may not have much of a voice but I for one am mad as hell and am going to voice it. It is completely unacceptable to be where we are AGAIN. I’m as passionate about the sport and my team as it gets and you have driven me away. This lockout was avoidable and unnecessary and it will do serious harm to the NHL and I won’t stand for it and I encourage other mad but passionate fans to follow this lead!

Signed a very mad and passionate fan,

Steve Ballard

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Siding with the Players

Less than two weeks from today on September 15th the current NHL Collective Bargaining Agreement ends. Where are the NHL and NHLPA right now with this date looming? “Far apart” and with “no current plans to resume talks” is where. Hope that the NHL season will start on time is all but gone for most and frustration for fans mounts.

Most fans don’t care who is to blame and just want hockey. I count myself among those but at the same time I side with the players. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel sorry for players making millions while many just struggle to get by in their normal lives and many, many others will be out of work should a lockout occur and games not be played … but I do feel that this potential lockout is completely on the owners.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Suter and Parise to Minnesota - What it Means in the West

The biggest news of the off-season thus far for the NHL just happened to occur on the Fourth of July with the Minnesota Wild making a huge splash getting not only one of Ryan Suter or Zach Parise, considered by many to be some of the best free agents to hit the markets in years, but by landing both of the coveted players.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another Lockout? - We Can Only Hope Not

We are now in yet another offseason of hockey but as always that doesn't mean things are quiet. Starting at the end of the season things become very busy for management of the teams with the draft and then the push to sign players that have contracts ending, this after the decisions take place on who to keep and who to let go. Then you have free agency when teams are throwing out their best bids for the players that they think will help their team the most in the coming years. Throw in the HHOF selection, the awards show, and development and rookie camps all before you even get to training camps and things are busy indeed.

This year happens to be even busier yet. Earlier in the year the NHL club owners voted to cancel the final year of the current CBA so as of September 15th there again won't be a CBA in place unless an agreement is come to by then. The last time this happened the league locked out the players and the entire 2004-2005 season was lost. Hockey came back stronger and better than ever but still the pain of losing an entire season was real. Now we face a similar situation this year where despite claims that the NHLPA is ready to play even if a CBA is not in place it is very possible the league won't start on time if there isn't, just as it was eight years ago. At this time the first discussion between the party is to take place at the end of June, and while the lack of intelligence of not having any discussions between the parties prior having known of the impending end of the CBA for some time seems obvious, that isn't the point of this writing. Neither is the point of this writing to champion my thoughts on why if we lose hockey yet again less than a decade after the last lockout it should cost some high profile people their jobs. Rather the point of this writing is to point out a few things in my opinion that truly do need fixed. Yes, hockey has come back strong and the sport has been very successful, however that doesn't mean that things can't be improved or don't need addressed either.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Past Meet Present - An End ... For Now

While I haven't played in some time because of this or that, mostly work, the campaign was picked up by the group and put through another small adventure by one of those previously playing.

Perhaps someday we'll all be able to find the time to return to the game and finish things up properly. I know that I had a pretty large amount of storyline left for these characters and their relationship with Bastion. Daisy's brother still sits out there somewhere.  Temeris still is looking to become part of the Royal Explorers. What of Bastion and this man they wanted the group to track down?  Lots of story lines left out there still...

For now though, here is the recap of the sessions they went through recently thanks to the writing of Jeremy once again (and placed here for completeness).

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Week(s) That Was the Avs - 3/16-End of Season

Well the season for the Avalanche is now over.  There are certainly reasons for optimism going forward for this team and I can't wait to see what they do in the offseason, however that isn't the point of this writing.  This will be the last "week that was the Avs" for the 2011-2012 season.  I realize that I got a bit away from weekly reporting as I took on more at work and became busier, but I hope those that read this enjoyed it and maybe took a thing or two away from it as well.  I think I'll definitely pick back up next year, and likely will have some things to say through the summer, but for now here we are with a wrapup of the last few weeks of the Avalanche season.

Monday, April 9, 2012

No Avs? Sucks but Bring On the Playoffs!

So the NHL regular season is now over but that just means the best time of the year has arrived and playoff hockey is set to start.  While my beloved Avs just missed out this year that doesn't entirely ruin the playoffs, though I will admit they would have been much better if they had made it in.  However there are some great matchups and while I will go back and look at how I did predicting this season later, right now I am going to take a look at the first round and give my take on who has a chance of not only making it deep in the playoffs but winning it all.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Past Meet Present - Dispatching Orcus

I have slacked in my duties to post the game recaps even though the hard work of writing them for the last two sessions was done by Jeremy once again to assist in my busy hours.  With the last two sessions, recaped below, the party closed their first major arc in the story out.  Moves, busy lives, and conflicting schedules have delayed things taking off again but in the meantime the party heads into new waters courtesy of a "guest" GM ... leading to the third recap below.  Enjoy...

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Weeks That Were the Avs – 2/24-3/15

Given that I have missed a couple weeks this recap, covering three weeks, has the potential to be fairly lengthy. Because of that I am going to try to keep the individual game recaps a bit shorter where I can. Thus, without further ado here we go…

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Week ... Ok, Placeholder for Upcoming Avs Recap...

My appologies to those that actually read this and like my recaps for not being able to do my normal recaps these last two weeks. I do plan on doing a full recap of not only for next week but the time I missed these past two as well in next weeks recap but I have been swamped with work and this past weekend a trip to Texas to visit family before they move to Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands (the island is about 3 miles long, 1/2 mile wide and is part of many islands about half way between Hawaii and New Zealand). I do want to put out a few little tidbits however that you might find interesting.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Week That Was the Avs 2-17/2-23

This past week the Avalanche only had a handful of games, however there was plenty to talk about. In addition to the games there was a trade to talk about, the first with perhaps more on the way before Monday's trade deadline. This move brought about some very interesting quotes from the departed. As for where the team sits in the playoff picture they are only two points out of 8th place, having gone 2-1 this week, but also struggle to gain any ground as it seems every time a Western conference team takes the ice they get points win or lose. Only 4 points seperate 8th and 13th in the West right now, but Phoenix has given themselves a bit of breathing room being 5 points up in 7th and tied for the division lead.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Week(s) That Was the Avs 2/3-2/16

Given real life got a bit in the way the previous week this recap will look back over two weeks, not just one. In those two weeks the Avalanche had 5 games and got 6 of the possible 10 points, having unlucky bounces take potential points away from them in both Vancouver games but having a goalie steal a point for them against St. Louis. The team would also finish this stretch a few points out of a playoff spot as new teams entered the race and 6th through 13th are only seperated by 8 points (as of this writing) with the 6th place team Chicago sliding (1-8-1 last 10) and Anaheim in 13th but charging up the ranks.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Week That Was the Avs 1/27-2/2

The Avalanche came out after the All-Star break and failed to take advantage of teams around them in the standings losing, losing both of their games themselves. Both losses came against division opponents dropping the Avalanche to 2-12 within their own division on the year and they now sit 3 points out of the playoffs seeing the Wild in that 8th spot.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Week That Was the Avs 1/20-1/26

This week saw the Avalanche crawl back into a playoff position and then with a pair of losses saw the 7th spot slip away as well as the 8th as Minnesota jumped them in the standings. The week also saw JS Giguere taking over as the #1 goalie on the team and playing well but having the guys in front of him let him down with poor defensive zone coverage, turnovers, and odd man breaks. Overall headed into the All-Star break they sit only a point out of the playoffs but also only 2 points ahead of three different teams whom all have at least 1 game in hand on the Avalanche.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Week That Was the Avs 1/13-1/19

The Avalanche this week went 2-1, both of their wins being by 1 goal (and one in overtime) and their loss being a blowout. Overall they played pretty well this week, other than a portion of the game they lost, and managed to climb back into the playoffs for now. They as of this writing currently sit in 8th, 4 points behind LA (though with 2 more wins - LA has 10 OT/SO loss points this year) and sit 1 point ahead of Minnesota who have a game in hand on the Avalanche and 2 points ahead of Dallas who have 3 games in hand as well as 2 points ahead of Calgary and Phoenix. They sit 2nd in the division, a full 8 points behind Vancouver who also has a game in hand.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Past Meet Present - An Ally Arrives

With another week past I decided to allow the players a chance to write yet another recap.  Jeremy was the only taker and put together another good write-up of the adventures of the Karameikan Fist.  Below is that write-up...

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Week That Was the Avs 1/6-1/12

On a week that could have put the Avs solidly back into the playoffs they started strong winning against Chicago and then played 2 poor games and 2 periods of poor hockey in a third. Instead of being solidly in, they sit 2 points behind LA and Minnesota and 1 behind Dallas (and 4 behind Nashville who swept the home and home), going 1-2-1 this week.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Past Meet Present - A Narrow Escape

Last week the Karameikan Fist found themselves caught in a trap and narrowly escaped.  It was hard fought and had the enemy used just a bit better decision making regarding the party's only escape route they likely would have eliminated the Karameikan Fist right then and there, however they didn't and while badly wounded with a few casualties, they did manage to retreat back into the tomb once again.  Again this week's recap (with a few minor tweaks) is done by Jeremy...

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Week That Was the Avs 12/30/11-1/5/12

The Avalanche continued to put together wins, finding ways to do so even when they aren't playing poorly.  This week they went 2-0 including their 7th shootout win of the season (18 for their last 19) and are 9-2 in their last 11 games.  They have charged back into playoff talks sitting in a group right around that 8th spot and even held that position for a brief time this week.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Past Meet Present - Testing the Rock

Seems as if I've been unable to do a number of the recaps of the games recently, and yet again I called upon the excellent story telling abilities of one of the players.  (Everyone should really check out his Star Wars game recaps over at  Here is the events as they unfolded the week prior...

After a frantic retreat to the safety of crypts dedicated to fallen worshippers of Tyr, the Royal Karameikan Fist Adventuring Company spent the night resting and discussing what their next course of action should be. Knowing that a large contingent of warriors dedicated to the foul god Orcus lay just beyond the barred doors, two options became apparent: fight or flee. Caullum undertook an initial investigation of the narrow rat tunnels that led into the crypts, but kicked a stray pebble and alerted the besiegers to the tunnels' location. He returned with the bad news, and Atvan magically transformed into rat form in order to continue scouting the tunnels undetected. Soon after, a portion of the tunnels collapsed! Taking shifts, the party worked hard to excavate and even broaden the tunnels, in the hopes of finding a way out for everyone and to discover what happened to Atvan; but the druid remained missing. 

As the digging continued, Shadow suggested the bronze doors should be better secured. He suggested dragging over one of the stone sarcophagi, but it proved far too heavy, even with the strength of Daisy added to the mix. Over the objections of the priest Corum, Shadow convinced the others to remove the lids from several sarcophagi and stack them in a barrier in front of the door.

After hours and hours of digging, much of the tunnels had been excavated and widened. However, a chance conversation between Temeris and Shadow led to each feeling that a better course of action would be to open the doors, allow the Orcus worshippers to rush into a bottleneck, and then be whittled down. However, when the doors were thrown open, the enemy did not charge! Having learned its lesson, the enemy force stood back and avoided the trap. The head priest of Orcus traded verbal barbs and taunts with the party, but neither side would commit to an attack. The worshippers of Orcus refused to be drawn into a narrow killing field and the party refused to venture out and be overtaken by superior enemy numbers. Eventually, the party shut the doors again to figure out what should happen next.

More digging continued, but Temeris and Shadow were primed for action. They convinced a reluctant Corum, Daisy, and the men-at-arms to sortie out in the hopes of striking a blow and then retreating again to the safety of the crypts. In due time the company was assembled in attack formation with Daisy at the front. The bronze doors were again thrown open and the company charged into battle. Daisy found herself immediately surrounded by zombies, while Caullum used his Wand of Magic Missiles against spellcasters, Shadow fired arrows, and Temeris tried to pitch in where he could. Despite their valiant efforts and the destruction of several zombies, the party was in a poor tactical position when a handful of massive ogres stepped into the fight. After one of the men-at-arms was almost torn in half by an ogre greataxe and Daisy had been badly hurt, a hasty withdrawal was made and the bronze doors barred again.

Almost every one had suffered severe wounds in the short fight, and although the guardsman's life was saved, Jym and some of the men-at-arms were demoralized. Temeris tried to give a rousing speech to keep their spirits up, with Shadow putting in words of support. Although the fight went poorly, Temeris and Shadow remained convinced that this is a fight that could be won, and continued talking strategy as the hours crawled by.

Trapped, wounded, and without their best spellcaster--what lies in store next for the Royal Karameikan Fist Adventuring Company?