Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Past Meet Present - An Ally Arrives

With another week past I decided to allow the players a chance to write yet another recap.  Jeremy was the only taker and put together another good write-up of the adventures of the Karameikan Fist.  Below is that write-up...

From his hiding place, Caullum witnesses the priests of Orcus healing one of the injured ogres and creating zombies from their dead warriors. Abandoning their original plan to cave in the ceiling near the doors and trap the party inside, the nefarious crew instead takes up defensive positions in a bid to prolong the siege.

Inside the tombs dedicated to Tyr, Temeris says a few words for the fallen men-at-arms and tries to find a suitable resting place for them. While he and the others rest, Atvan and Crispin decide to climb the shaft to the surface and determine if it will possible to escape or go after the Earth Blood from a surprising direction. The next morning, before they return, Shadow awakens Daisy by talking in her sleep using strange, foul words and repeatedly mentioning "Orcus". Daisy is angry at being awakened and shakes Shadow until she finally wakes up. When she does, however, Shadow seems quite confused and has little to no memory of the past weeks! In fact, Shadow seems to have regressed to her original personality prior to whatever magical curse or misfortune caused her to shift so drastically out of character.

When Atvan and Crispin return, they bring word that while on the surface they saw several campfires in the valley below. Fearing that the Zhentarim are arriving to lend their strength to the priests of Orcus, the party is torn about what to do. At first, it appears that the majority of members are leaning towards trying to escape and perhaps head directly to Zhentil Keep to reunite with Bastian and track down Daisy's lost brother. However, Temeris speaks up passionately for the need to keep the Earth Blood out of the hands of the Zhentarim and that the party shouldn't let past difficulties dissuade it from doing the right thing. Much to his surprise, Atvan speaks and agrees that the party should try anew for the Earth Blood--however, instead of risking another direct assault, he proposes that the party climb to the surface and reenter the caverns from another route in the hopes of bypassing the enemies set-up right outside the bronze doors of the tombs in order to recover the Earth Blood through stealth rather than brawn. The party quickly agrees to this plan.

On the surface, Shadow is sent ahead as a scout and realizes a large contingent of armored, mounted men are approaching along the path. The men appear to be wearing the holy regalia of Tyr, but these are dangerous times and it could be a trap. After Shadow returns and tells the others what she's seen, the party decides that Crispin and Daisy should be sent to parlay while the others remain hiding nearby. When approached, the leader of the mounted soldiers introduces himself as Gabriel and says that he and his fellow holy warriors of Tyr had been sent at the behest of Corman some days prior and that a small army of Zhentarim follow just scant hours behind.

With time dwindling between the forces of Orcus and Zhentil Keep are united, the party aligns itself with the Tyr faithful and together decide the best option is to return to the tombs of Tyr and then venture out of the brass doors, taking the besiegers by surprise since they'll have had no idea that reinforcements had arrived. Shortly thereafter, the plan is put into effect, and the battle for the Earth Blood continues!

1 comment:

  1. We're one recap behind but close to the big finale of this EarthBlood story arc and I'm excited to see what happens next! It's been a tough slog--I don't think I've ever been in a game where the party has had to work so hard to achieve it's goal, but the sense of accomplishment will be equal to it. Anyway, here's our updated party treasure . . .

    340 gp

    157 sp

    Assorted Jewelry (worth 70 gold)

    2 ogre 2hand swords

    2 ogre 2hand axes

    2 ogre plate

    5 maces

    5 flails

    5 morning stars

    5 longswords

    14 daggers

    6 chain shirts

    7 studded leather

    3 splint mail

    3 chain mail

    1 leather

    2 ceremonial daggers

    10 Potions/oils, Unidentified

    Potion of Tongues

    Potion of Lesser Restoration

    Potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness

    2 Pearls (120 gp value each)

    Jewelry: 8 rings, 3 broaches, 2 necklaces

    Gems, Assorted: 8

    20 holy symbols, robes, sets of humanoid sized clothing

    Horses x 7 (includes party mounts & pack horses)
