Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tangled, Rango, Witch, Hall Pass and Rio

I have had a chance recently to see a number of new movies.  Most were watched this previous week, and one was watched just last night.  I didn't get around to reviewing them prior to now but before too much time passes or too many movies pile up I want to get a little something about each of them posted.  Thus, here we go in the order they were watched.

That has us starting with "Tangled".  This is the story of Rapunzel with a Disney twist on it.  The movie is about Rapunzel, magical in that she can keep a old hag forever young because she was saved when young by using a flower grown from a fallen drop of sunlight.  This healing has also given her the power to heal.  Originally the hag had just used the flower itself until it was taken and used to save the princess, then she kidnapped the princess after that raising her as her daughter and never allowing her to leave their tower.  Story goes that a guy stumbles in, she talks him into taking her to see the "lights", and they fall in love with different twists along the way.  Overall it was a pretty good movie and enjoyable.  It was a bit predictable and after her hair is cut and the magic "should" be gone she still manages to revive her fallen love from death, or near death.  I did like the lizard, and find that I regularly do with non-talking animal companions.

The second movie was "Rango".  Something about it just didn't sit well with me.  It was ok as far as story goes, and the characters weren't bad.  The art however, namely the look of the characters, I didn't care for at all though.  It just seemed to kinda "be" for me though, neither good nor bad nor anything that I will remember much of down the road.  Perhaps it was just one of those nights and I need to give it a second viewing sometime ... but probably won't.

The next movie up is "Season of the Witch".  For some reason I thought this was going to be a "family" type movie when I got it from Redbox (obviously I hadn't watched the trailer lately) but shortly in when the hung witch came back with her demonic face and one of the kids was asking for it to be changed I realized that I wouldn't be watching it with them.  Overall this movie was pretty decent.  I enjoyed the atmosphere of it and did enjoy the characters in it, and overall the story was good as well though in the end I wasn't thrilled with the "witch turns out to be demon possessed girl" twist.  In the end I think it was a movie that I'm glad I watched and could see again down the road, but it isn't one that falls in the rush out and see category either.

Next up is "Hall Pass" which I got for the wife and I to watch after the family movie that turned out not to be a family movie.  The premise behind this movie is that a couple of wives who were disappointed in their husbands decided to give them a hall pass, or a week off from marriage.  The movie had some humorous moments and wasn't too bad with getting you into the characters and story while moving along.  Not a whole lot of fantastic moments but little bad as well so definitely a slightly above average movie worth seeing but nothing spectacular either.

That just leaves us with "Rio", the animated movie purchased and watched (a couple times) on our trip just this past week.  The movie about a flightless bird, last male of his kind, who was to be taken from Minnesota to Rio to be mated was predictable as most of these types of movies but it was still a pretty decent animated movie.  There were a number of humorous moments, the story wasn't too bad, and the artwork was good.  If you enjoy animated movies this is one worth checking out.  If you don't, well then you aren't likely to check it out anyway.

There it is.  The last 5 movies I have watched with short reviews for each.  Hope you enjoyed it...

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