Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Your Highness, Paul, Soul Surfer

Another weekend past, another movie review in store for those of you that read these writings.  This weekend the movies we gathered from the RedBox were Your Highness, Paul, and Soul Surfer.  Again, I'll jump right into the reviews rather than spending time on a big build up.

We started with "Paul", a movie about an alien escaped from the government and looking to get home.  The movie was pretty good in my opinion, though as I sat down with the family the amount of vulgarity led me to quickly decide it wasn't going to be a kid friendly movie.  Honestly I'm not sure what the obsession is with throwing in the language, and while I'm far from opposed to it, it is something that should be used in the right places at the right times, not just something to be thrown in.

Ignoring the language issue, the rest of the movie was pretty well done.  At first I was unsure about their choice in lead actors but by the end the "English" duo worked out pretty well in the spot and made it a bit more believable, though that isn't quite the right word still given the content of the movie.  The film itself was a bit slow at first but picked up and moved along rather nicely and the story was enjoyable.  There were plenty of humorous moments as well, and the addition of the Star Trek reference where Kirk fought the Gorn (if my geek memory serves me well today) was a welcome addition to the storyline.

Overall I really enjoyed the movie and I think anyone going into it not expecting a lot and just hoping for light-hearted fun will as well.  The language was a bit of an issue for me, but otherwise the movie overall is worth checking out.

The next movie we went with was the true story "Soul Surfer".  This movie is about the young Hawaiian girl, Bethany Hamilton, who was a champion surfer before having her arm bit off by a shark, but who then found the strength to return to competition with one arm.  I remember a bit of this back when it happened not all that long ago and the movie looked interesting enough.

The story did a really good job of telling the story and was very enjoyable.  The character portrayals were enjoyable to watch as well as the actors and actresses, including Carrie Underwood and Kevin Sorbo (of Hercules fame), did good jobs in their roles.  There aren't a lot of bits and pieces that I planned on touching on here, but I will say that the movie had some emotional moments which I found myself caught up in at times and overall is much worth watching.

The last movie to touch on is "Your Highness".  This movie told a familiar story of the medieval brothers, one loved and one not so loved, who found themselves in trouble against a evil wizard.  The less "capable" brother then finds his way and saves the day.

To me this story was one that suffered because of excessive foul language and overly crude references.  The story and the actors were really drug down for me because of it ... from the choice of today's foul language in a medieval setting to the constant sexual innuendo to the choice of trophies taken after the slaying of the minotaur.  Had it not been for this dragging the movie down I felt that the story had a pretty decent underlying and could have been pretty good.  If you can overlook the crude nature, or enjoy it, you'll get more enjoyment out of this movie than I did.  I however found that it fell short of what it could be by quite a margin because of those factors.

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