Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Number 4 Bear Fockers

Another weekend has passed and we again watched a movie a day.  This weekend it was "Yogi Bear" followed up with "Little Fockers" the next night and then "I Am Number Four" on Sunday.  None of them were mind-blowingly good, however all were at least decent as well.

Yogi Bear I had heard wasn't that good, and as such didn't go in with many expectations.  While it is certainly geared towards a younger audience I don't think it was all that bad though.  It was weird seeing him animated rather than a cartoon and while his whole "gotta steal the picanic baskets" thing was a constant in the movie the plot beyond that wasn't all that bad either.  Basically a corrupt politician wants to close the park and after Yogi screws things up for Ranger Smith they team up to save the park afterwards, helped by Booboo's turtle being an endangered species.  The characters, especially Anna Faris, were a tad annoying (though she annoys me in most of her performances) but overall not a great detriment to the movie.  It's one worth watching with the kids but otherwise is worth passing on for better options.

Little Fockers is one that I had heard a few bad reviews about as well, though I heard one or two good reviews also.  The next in line in the Fockers movie was much like the previous ones.  There were some good laughs, some meh moments, and the cast was largely unchanged and as such you're either going to still enjoy them or still be annoyed by them.  Myself, I for the most part enjoy their performances even though I've never been a big Stiller fan.  As for the plot it is nothing special with a basic "now we're married, how's the wedding going ... while the father in law is still having it out with the son in law".  Overall the movie wasn't anything great, and the whole Focker movie line is running thin and this should be the last one, but if you enjoyed the previous movies you will likely enjoy this one as well ... perhaps a bit less than the others, but you'll still find the same characters and humor that they put in the first two.

The last movie of the weekend was "I Am Number Four" and honestly it was pretty decent.  It did however feel as if it were more about feeling out the audience and/or setting up a bigger movie than being its own entity.  You start out with #4 almost immediately "feeling" the death of #3 (which is actually how the movie starts) and after that he and his guardian are on the move.  They move to a town where he meets a girl, learns he has powers, and so on before finally the aliens hunting him arrive.  He has to fight them with the help of #6 who had tracked him as well.  In the end #4 and #6 take off with one of the humans to find the others, leaving the girl behind for now.  The ending and the fact there are 4 others out there and more aliens to come (it appears) is the reason that it felt like this was just a precursor to another bigger movie.  Overall parts of the movie especially the characters and the development of his power all felt rushed but not so much that it killed the movie.  The action scenes were pretty good and the powers looked good (as they should in this world of CGI).  The plot line moved along well and it was decent as well.  In the end I enjoyed it and thought it was pretty good, however I still feel that it was just leading to something bigger and who knows if that will ever come.

All three movies were decent to decently good, and while none were must-sees none were flat out pass-ons either.  I would rank them in reverse order of what I touched on them myself, but a person's preferences in movie type would easily change that order for them as none stood above the others.

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