Monday, January 17, 2011

Guardians and Easy A

Watching movies on the weekend seems to be a pretty regular thing in my household.  This weekend wasn't any different and now I will review two of the movies that we watched this weekend, Legend of the Guardians and Easy A.  Again spoilers will be spread about here...

The first, "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole", is a movie geared more towards kids, and in fact we got it mostly for the kids, but I will admit that I can certainly enjoy and appreciated "kid movies" as much as "adult movies" if they are deserving of such.  This was one such movie.  The movie did a good job of making characters unique and enjoyable right from the beginning.  It was well done visually and the story was a good one and well told.  The pacing throughout the movie was very good as well.

The Owls are basically made up of three different sets of owls, the guardians which are a nearly mythical group even to the owls, the "evil" owls, and the regular owls.  The story begins by focusing on a pair of brothers, one who believed in the Guardians and the stories, the other which didn't and felt under appreciated.  One night they fell from their tree and were then taken by the evil owls.  There the "good brother" sided with another owl and sought to escape where the "evil brother" accepted training from the evil owls to become one of them.

Eventually the good owls escaped and flew off to find the Guardians meeting a couple of others along the way.  Finally they reach the tree of the Guardians and tell their story.  They begin training while their story is checked out, however it is looked into by one who had betrayed them and when he returned he led them all into a trap.  The Guardians became trapped and it was up to the new heroes to save them.

The movie was very well done, told a good story, had good characters, and overall I recommend this movie to anyone who is a kid or can appreciate well done movies targeted at a younger audience.

The second movie we watched was "Easy A".  I really enjoyed this movie as well.  It flowed well and had some humorous moments and while the story wasn't entirely unique it did have its own feel and flavor.

The basics of the movie were that the main character who was a bit of an outsider in her school told her friend that she had lost her virginity and another girl overheard it and spread it about school.  She noticed that she had gained notice of the others from it and eventually one of her gay friends convinced her to fake having sex with him so that he would be accepted as well.  It worked and after that she basically started selling "fake encounters" to kids seeking approval until the point that she became someone many wanted to see gone and felt that she was seen for all the wrong reasons now.  I won't really say too much more about what happens in the movie but it is certainly worth seeing.

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