Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hot Tubs, Valentines, and Knight and Day

It has been snowing pretty much the entire weekend and with a little P90X in (and sore as hell shoulders now) and some housework done (no way that it was all getting done in one weekend), there aren't many ways to spend a weekend like this left.  This weekend we chose to watch a few movies.  I feel fine combining three reviews into one post as none of them will take long to review.  However be warned that there may be some spoilers right from the get go because of it.

The first movie we watched was "Hot Tub Time Machine".  It was ok, like many movies of late nothing spectacular but not horrible either.  Basis of the movie is that a group of guys whose lives aren't so great go to one of their favorite spots as kids/young men and it is now run-down.  A basis for a story used many times already.  The twist in this one is that the guys then get in a hot tub that takes them back to the 80s.  At first they try to keep "time right" by doing what they did back then but that quickly goes out the window.  In the end everything is changed and one of the guys stays in the 80s to change everything entirely and their lives go significantly better they discover upon their return to the present.  Overall the movie had some good laughs, some "ugh, why'd they put that in" moments, and was a decent use of two hours but not worth repeat viewing.

The second movie we watched was "Knight and Day" with Cruise and Diaz, neither of which I'm overly found of honestly.  The movie itself was about a Federal agent being chased because he was wrongfully accused of going rogue.  He meets Diaz on a plane and they form a "thing" almost immediately.  He kills everyone on their plane and then after landing he returns her home.  Next day the Feds question her, he rescues her ... and so on and so forth through most of the movie.  The movie never really gave the viewer a chance to know the characters or care about them and at times the story just rushed from event to event.  Other than those things though it wasn't a bad action film and had a decent story.  I enjoyed it but didn't have high expectations so they were easier to meet.

Lastly we watched Valentines Day.  This was a practical "who's who" of today's Hollywood with probably a dozen big name actors and actresses in it.  However as with most stories that have so many characters there wasn't much of a story to tell because as you are trying to tell so much you lose any chance at having a big picture.  The movie basically showed the lives of all these people on Valentines Day and while they each had their story and their part in the end it wasn't much more than just telling of those lives on that one day.  Not much story, not much plot, pretty predictable, little character development.  It was ok but don't go into it with high expectations if you're going to watch it.  Even with moderate expectations you could be left disappointed...

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