Sunday, January 16, 2011

Memories of Warcraft

Yesterday I was looking at used games for the PS3 and Wii and saw the new expansion for World of Warcraft sitting on the shelves.  I haven't played for quite some time now, but I did play for a long time prior to that.  I'll admit that even now I miss playing at times.  I really enjoyed the game and playing with the people I met and it is one of the few games that has truly held my attention for a very long period of time and one of the best games I've ever played.

While I looked at the box, knowing that I wouldn't buy it and start playing again, I had some memories from the game pop up and I thought "hey, I think that's what my next blog will be" ... so here it is.  Some of my most memorable moments from WoW in no specific order...

  • During Beta a couple friends and I made a run at low levels across much of the world.  I remember at that time the feeling of just how huge this new world was and how much there was to see.  I remember the danger that run held for those low level characters.  It was truly my first feeling of "wow" in the game knowing just how much there was to it yet to be discovered.
  • At the end of Beta those same friends and I went to the Crossroads, an area in enemy territory, where both sides were gathering in a massive battle prior to Beta ending and the real game beginning.  (I also remember the extremely long queues as so, so many people sat trying to get into the game ... but I'm focusing on the positives which far outweigh the negatives...)
  • I remember Baron runs.  My favorite small instance of all time, perhaps because it was one of the earlier ones that I really got into and it was visually one of the best for me.
  • I remember joining Serenity Now, becoming the "Healing Chart Champ" (a title in the guild list of players given to me by the raid leader who was a great player and knew his stuff), and becoming a key part of the 40 man raids that we ran.  While the fight with Onyxia was fun, my fondest memory of those raids were the first time the guild ever downed Ragnoros (it was a nearly perfect attempt) and the Blackwing Lair (favorite 40 man) learning process and being there from start to end and being a key part of the first kill on Nefarion.  Being a part of the hard work and seeing the struggles, then the learning and improvement, and then the joy of finally winning the battle ... very fun.
  • I enjoyed my first experience as a raid leader.  I was a bit of a hard-ass and didn't make myself anyone's favorite but I was able to help a bunch of people who had never been in end game raids go from no experience to Ragnoros in Molten Core pretty quickly.  I had the help of some good people to and I'm thankful for that help.  I earned the name of "Pull Monkey" during those times because I pushed the pace so much.  I would do pull after pull with very few rests and pushed those behind me to find ways to get their rest and to keep up in a precarious balance.  I think that pushed everyone to become better through time though.
  • I remember being part of the Knights with some real life friends and some people that I became good friends with.  We had a heck of a group that could do anything and I loved tanking for them.  (Tanking is basically standing up front getting punched in the mouth and keeping the hate of the bad guys while everyone else either kept you alive or killed the bad guys.)  We could and did conquer any instance.  Kara was probably my favorite and our group had great success early on right up until the Curator.  That fight was a roadblock that drove us nuts for weeks before finally one day we beat it and it was a great time of joy.  We then went on to pulverize the rest of the instance but finally beating the Curator was the crest of that challenge.
  • I remember Hillsbrad being a place of mass world PvP prior to instances for PvP being created.  You could easily have 40 or 50 people per side (and often more) at any given time in a back and forth fight there.  Stranglethorn is another area of great world PvP in a lower level where you always had to be on your toes and watching.  PvP isn't for all but I loved what it brought to the game.
I could probably go on for much longer remember this specific incident or that but for now I won't.  I'll just say that I had a great time, made some great friends, and have some great memories with a game that is one of my favorites of all time.

For any that also played, with me or not, I would love to hear some of your stories as well...

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